

北 京


北京市光华路17号 美国驻华大使官邸





上 海








主办方 Organizers 


188Art Warehouse


Embassy of the United States,Beijing China

人民日报 人民数字

China Daily Newspaper Office, China Daily Digital

协办方 Co-organizers


Montana Art Council, USA


Yellowstone Asia Initiative, USA


Art School of Montana State University, USA

联合呈现 Joint With




Jiangxi 188 Culture Media


Tsingtao Himalaya Culture Media




序 言


The United States, as one of the leading country where the contemporary art originated and trend formed in the world, has been driving the global contemporary art all the time.


If we trace back the history, as we all know, during the World War II, the western art center was transferred from Paris France to New York. From then, traditional easel painting are opened to "Abiogeny" and "Spirituality". Since 1950s, American abstract expressionist master Pollock, Rothko, de Kooning, Gorky began this form of expression. After that, Pop art is coming up. These two trends, one represents elite culture, and the other represents public inclination, parallel developing and interaction with each other. Such force initiates the artists from worldwide to follow up.


Although the Chinese contemporary art started a little later, but the broad cultural accumulation is the profound soil of the contemporary art. With more and more artists going out of the country to the United States, Europe to study, research, visit, residence, in a variety of ways, they breathe the concept from foreign pioneers and the new air of art.


188Art Warehouse is an indomitable executor on this. 188Art have organized “East Meets West” Chinese Artists Exchange Exhibition and art tour in the United States, and “West on the left, East on the right” Sino-American Art Grand Exhibition and art tour in China for three consecutive years.

一年一度的美国之行,让国内的艺术家也走出 “自我”的创作栅栏,充分领略了美国当今艺术的宽泛和包容。从美国西部的波兹曼、利文斯顿、海兰娜、国家黄石公园到西雅图、洛杉矶,从大学到自由艺术区,从艺术家工作室到画廊、艺术中心,甚至是一年一度的艺术集市,都让我们如此惊叹,那种开放、自由的文化内涵,带来的不仅仅是材料上、技法上的革新,还有很多脑洞大开的观念变化。

The annual American art tour provides these domestic artists a chance to get out of the "self" creative fence. From those visiting and exchanges, the Chinese artists group has fully appreciated the art of the United States for its universality and inclusiveness. From Bozeman, Livingston, Helena, Yellowstone National Park to Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, from universities to liberal arts district, from artists' studios to galleries, art centers, and even the annual Art Fair all made us so surprise. The openness, freedom of the core of cultural, brings the innovation not only on material and technique, but also great revolution of open minded concept.


At the same time, artists from all over the United States come to China. They visit different part of China each year and see different style of art. They not only participate in the Grand Exhibition of “West on the left, East on the right”, but also join the group with Chinese artists, travelling thousands of miles, to be part of the magic journey of Chinese art. Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianmu Mountain, Shexian, Hongcun; Lanzhou, Jiuquan, Jiayuguan, Yumen, Guazhou, Dunhuang; Beijing, Qingdao. From the Urban Art District to the Academic Art Studio, from the southern rainy season to the northwest Silk Road in Dunhuang cultural trip, the 5,000 years of profound culture let all the artists linger.


This Art Salon Exhibition, held in both Beijing and Shanghai, is another very special interaction between two countries in the respects of concept, technical and means of expression. It is the prelude of art and friendship.


We are very grateful of the privilege chance of hosting by the US Ambassador and his wife. At the same time, we also appreciate the support from Montana Art Council, Yellowstone Asia Initiative in achieving such a successful event.


To establish an order, may take a several hundreds of years. The art exchange between the two countries, in fact just in one second when you turning back and looking. Thousands years is too long, seize each day!


Zhuping Yan

2016年11月10日 上海

December 10th, 2016 Shanghai




Joe Fay《长喙麻鹬》50×60cm 布面丙烯

《Long Billed Curlew》50×60cm Acrylic on Canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展Parks Reece《 欢乐与天堂 》 34×64cm 版画

《 Heaven and Mirth》34×64cm Lithograph


Edd Enders《 夜间的运油机车 》

120×165cm 布面油画

《Oil Tankers at Night》 120×165cm Oil on Canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展Rosalyn Driscoll 《第二表面》200×90×90cm 雕 塑

《Second surface》200×90×90cm Sculpture

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展Jenny Balisle 《中国1》24×20cm 素 描

《China 1》24×20cm Drawing

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展Ella Watson 《土狼》 40×90cm


《Coyotes》 40×90cm

 Mixed Media (Oil, wax, bone, charcoal)

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展Michelle Osman 《 云层二 》 107×117cm


《 Title Stratus II 》 107×117cm

Medium Oil and Silkscreen on Canvas


Abram Boise 《一把椅子的幻想》 

60×65×145cm 雕塑(水泥、钢筋)

《 The Dream of a Chair 》 60×65×145cm

Sculpture (Concrete, Steel)

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展Jeremy Hatch 《 乐高乐高 》 45×45×9cm 陶瓷

《 Lego Lego 》 45×45×9cm Ceramic

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展 Larry Blackwood 《社会媒体1》

30×90cm×3pcs 摄影

《Social Media #1》

30×90cm×3pcs Photograph



李 超 《《山为书之一》(甲、乙)》 

138×34cm 纸本水墨

《 Mountain is a book No. 1 A and B》

134×34cm Ink on paper 

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展何 伟 《西行漫步》 244×80cm 金属板面油画

《Westbound Walk》 244×80cm Oil on Metal Board


杨 芷 《相态·2》 150×150cm 布面油画

《 Status No.2 》 150×150cm Oil on canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展胡宗祥 《城市风景—漂流 》 116×90cm 布面油画

《City Scenery - Drifting》 116×90cm Oil on canvas 

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展秦 超 《 梦魇 》 200×140cm 布面油画

《 Nightmare 》 200×140cm Oil on canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展徐招兵 《 网络江湖 》 200×150cm 布面油画

《 Network Arena》 200×150cm Oil on canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展陆向东 《 淀 No.7》 40×40cm 石质合成板材 色粉

《 Sedimentation No.7》 40×40cm Pastel on Board

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展李增国 《 意识形态之马-094 》 150×200cm 布面油画

《 Ideological Horse No. 094 》 150×200cm Oil on canvas


胡桂东《 夏日时光 》 60×60cm 布面油画

《 The Summer Time》 60×60cm Oil on canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展刘 娜 《 梦幻岛何处解忧伤24》

160×130cm 布面油画

《Fantasy island - Where is the solution of sadness NO.24 》 

 160×130cm Oil on canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展王复亮 《 循环》 480×200cm 布面油画

《Loop》 480×200cm Oil on canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展李叙磊 《 欲望的界限系列——树上开花 》

80×60cm 布面油画

《The limits of desire series - Blossom of the tree》

80×60cm Oil on canvas

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展王永刚 《期盼冬天过去》 52×83cm 纸本水彩

《 Looking for winter's gone 》 52×83cm Watercolor



70×139cm 纸本水墨

《 That piece of the sea No. 3》 

70×139cm Ink on Paper


邹 荃 《蒙茸系列 - 天际》 69×94cm 纸本水墨

《 Mengrong Series -Horizon》 69×94cm Ink on Paper


陈新良 《城市系列》 70×138cm 纸本彩墨

《 City Series 》 70×138cm Color and Ink on Paper

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展陈 奇 《 城市序曲 3 》 33×66cm 纸本水墨

《Prelude of the City No. 3 》 33×66cm Ink on Paper

《饼干盆地》中/美艺术沙龙展侯亦超 《 诗人+艺术家+篆刻家》

144×78cm 纸本水墨

《Poet + Artist + Carving Man》 

144×78cm Ink on Paper


